Dr Nikki Cordell
Cordell Health

Nikki is an accredited specialist in Occupational Medicine, and a Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FFOM), with over 15 years experience in delivering occupational health services, first within the military and subsequently in the private and third sector. She has a keen interest in medical education and having gained an MSc in Medical Education from the University of Cardiff, she has been very involved in the professional development of clinicians providing specialist occupational health services.

She is currently undertaking a PhD working with Professor Helen Dawes, in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at Oxford Brookes University. Her research is focused on the factors influencing the ability to work for employees with a long-term health problem or disability. Other research interests include evidence in supporting those with a disability in employment, the role of employees’ health and wellbeing in organisational performance, and evidence-based assessment of fitness for work.

Nikki has worked in the military developing regionally based multi-disciplinary occupational health services. She is dedicated to raising the standards in occupational health provision and believes in a multifaceted service, focused on prevention and early intervention is the future. 

As CEO of Cordell Health, she has overall responsibility for strategy, business performance and organisation of service delivery. I lead on providing management consultancy advice to organisations which includes assessing the requirement, clinical specification, procurement and assurance of occupational healthcare services.  She also supports the Medical Director with complex case management referrals.

“Being a social enterprise is very important to me, I want us to make a positive difference in the workplace and my vision is to change the focus from disability to ability.