Connect with us on the Open-OH instagram

We are excited to announce that we have recently set up an Instagram page for Open-OH, where we are sharing general information about Open-OH as well as aiming to spread awareness of different long-term conditions.
In the future, with the release of the Beta version of the app, our aim is to make the Instagram an extension of the ‘community’ section of the app.
We will be using the page to share: 
  • Latest health guidelines
  • Potential research studies
  • Interesting media specific to long-term conditions
  • Upcoming updates to the app
We want to make our page a community platform where we can continuously work together to spread awareness about long-term conditions, as well as share any experiences where the Open-OH app has been helpful in self-management of a long-term condition.
Looking forward to seeing you there.

Until next time, 

The Open-OH Team